Sama Engineering Participating – Lahore Exhibition 2016

International Plasti&Pack By Pegasus

This year once again, SAMA Engineering, the Asian multinational packaging machines and processing systems manufacturer, is making its presence felt in the sector’s largest exhibition fair worldwide, showcasing its high quality, innovative design and long-lasting products while promoting its brand name and securing a larger share of the international market.

Sama Engineering, the packaging machines, bakery items and food processing systems manufacturing company is participating in Lahore Exhibition 18th August 2016 till 20th August 2016. It’s an international event where more than 400 companies participating from 30 countries worldwide. This event has enabled companies to introduce latest technologies of packaging, food and printing industries.


The event is organized by PEGASUS group, which has been launched by Plati&PackSama Engineering is the leading firm of Pakistan in plastic and packaging industry is presenting the competitive methods and technology.